September 15, 1905 -- Bellows Free Academy was opened Wednesday, September 6, with a considerable increase in attendance over that of the previous year. At present there are about 270 students registered, there being students from twenty different towns. The usual school work was resumed as soon as possible. Monday evening a reception was given from 7:30 to 10 o'clock by the students attending school last year to those just entering. Monday afternoon the several classes met and elected the following class officers: B Class - President, Ernest Elmer; vice-president, Miss Queenia Felton; secretary, Miss Clara Butler; treasuter, Miss Loretta Morrison. A Class - President, Robert Stuart; vice-president, Miss Meda Rice; secretary, Miss Helen Leach; treasurer, Lyman Hunt. Junior Class -- President, Miss Eunice Hunt; vice-president, Miss Barbara Cook; secretary, Miss Skinner; treasurer, William Macomber, Senior Class -- President, Frank R. Hunt; vice-president, Charles F. Moran; sectretary, Lyman H. Leach; treasurer, William Lamplough. Much interest has already been manifested in the athletic association for the coming year. A new tennis court will soon be laid out upon the school campus, which will be much appreciated by all. New officers of the association will also be elected this week.