The dedication of the new Bellows Free Academy building in Fairfax which took place on Thursday evening of last week, was very successful in every way and attended by a large crowd at all of the events.
The dedication exercises in the afternoon were in charge of the chairman of the Board of Trustees and School Directors, Carl Gray, and the principal speaker was J. S. Millis, President of the University of Vermont.
Previous to President Millis' address, Carl Gray, chairman of the school directors, called for music by the school band led by Sterling Weed. Then two tiny children entered the brand new auditorium carrying the American flag, and while all stood, handed the flag to the chairman of the school board. Then a dedication prayer was given by Rev. Roger.W. Fitzgerald of the United Church -the church which loaned its two buildings and equipment to the school followingthe fire.
Carl Gray introduced the following speakers in the order, in which they came after the school fire: First Principal Clinton Demerritt, who responded with a splendid speech which indicated the effect of the fire on different students. Principal Demeritt then made a presentation to Carl Gray in appreciation of his untiring efforts. This gift was given by the Community Club; the next speaker was Mr. Freeman of Freeman, French & Freeman, who spoke briefly. He was followed by Superintendent H. E. Hunt; WPA Supervisor' Cruickshank, Commissioner of education Ralph Noble and Harold. Petrie, superintendent of construction for the Cummings Construction Company, who spoke briefly. Fred Cherrier sang "Let Us Have Peace," accompanied at the piano by Mrs. Rena Stewart, and Rev, J. H. Holden of Westford closed the day's activities with the benediction.
This is the first contract job in New England on which WPA has worked. They used $12,000 to $15,000 in WPA labor and also from the WPA received 600 barrels of cement.
A supper and dance followed the dedication activities. Over 300 supper tickets were sold to friends of BFA in Fairfax who attended the delightful ham supper served in the modern up-to-date home economics room. The supper was in charge of Mrs. Howard Leach. The general chairman of the activities was Malcolm Howard.
Weed's orchestra played for the dance in the evening, at which a very informal and lively time was enjoyed by all. A lighted glass globe, loaned for the occasion by the Masons, made a beautiful color effect, which was very romantic and pretty. The decorations in the audltorium were done by Beulah Howard.