September 21, 1905

At a meeting held at Bellows Free Academy Tuesday, September 12, the athletic association elected the following officers for the ensuing year; President, William Lamplough; vice-president, William Macomber; secretary, Miss Clara Southard; treasurer, Charles Moran; collectors, F. W. Kenfield and L. H. Leach; manager of baseball team, Archie B. Rugg; assistant manager, baseball team, Lyman Hiunt; manager of football team, Robert Stuart; assistant manager, football team, Frank Hunt; manager track athletics, William Macomber; assistant manager track athletics, C. R. Heyward; tennis committee, Prof. C. R. Heyward, Osmand Felton, Miss Eunice Hunt; captain baseball team, Samuel Phelps; captain football team, Charles Moran. The captain of the baseball team was elected to serve for this fall only, a new captain being elected in the spring. A game is being arranged with Milton for next Saturday, to be played on the home grounds. New croquet grounds are to be laid out on the school grounds this week. The different classes have appointed committees to decide on class colors, pins, etc., but as yet these committees have not all reported. A promenade will be held Wednesday evening for the benefit of the B. class.