A strong course of instruction in business practice, typewriting, stenography, etc., is being planned. Feeling that there is a marked demand for better educated business men, typewriters and stenographers, this branch of work is to be as broad and liberal as any of the other courses.
During the first three years, this course will be the same as the Latin-Scientific or English course. In the senior year all the work of the regular course will be dropped except English, and in lieu thereof will be substituted the business subjects.
Special attention will be glven to this department, as it is the most important branch of study. English will be correlated with all other subjects. The first year's work will be a brief but thorough review of English Grammar, followed by Composition and Rhetoric, and selected readings from standard authors. In the second year the work in Composition and Rhetoric will be combined with a comprehensive course in American Literature. In the third year bi-weekly themes will be required, and in addition English Literature will be studied with special reference to its growth and development. The basis of the fourth year's work will be the books prescribed for college entrance.
The aim in this department will be to make the pupil thoroughly acquainted with the various forms of inflection and syntactical principles, to give him a broad vocabulary and facility in translatlon, and to train him in exactness of speech and thought. Much time will be given to sight and prose work, and to the awakening of a lively interest in those literatures and civilizations which have contributed so much to modern life.
The purpose of the work in Mathematics will be to secure clear, rapid,and accurate thinking and reasoning, and to show the practical relation between these subjects and the problems of daily life. Algebra will be required in the first year, Plane Geometry in the third, while in the fourth year Algebra and Arithmetic will be reviewed, and opportunity will be afforded to take Solid Geometry and Trigonometry.
The work in these subjects is designed to secure ease in translation and fluency in conversation. To this end, so far as possible, the recitations will be conducted in the language studied. Text-books written in French and German will be used from the first. In the second year, after some degree of facility in the use of the language has been acquired, much effort will be directed to stimulating interest in the literatures of these languages.
Attention will be focused on the lives of those men ,vho have made history, believing, as Carlyle has intimated, that the best knowledge of history is gained through the studyof biography. The student will be asked to do much collateral reading. Note books and outline maps will be required. The ethical and moral teachings of the subject will be made prominent. Courses will be offered in Greek, Roman, English, American, and European History.
The Scientific Department will afford the student courses in Botany, Zoology, Chemistry, Physics, Astronomy, and Geology. Laboratories well equipped and well lighted will make it possible to conduct the work along modern lines. A specialist in science will have charge of the department.
In conformity with Section 659, Vermont Statutes, as arilended by Act NO.24. 1900, of the General Assembly of the State of Vermont, and as planned by the State Superintendent of Education, Bellows Free Academy will offer a Teachers' Course, which will be under the direction of the State Normal Board. The subjects offered will be History of Education, Psychology, Pedagogy, School Management, and School Law. The course will be given during the senior year and will be in addition to the regular work of that year. Only students in good standing at the end of the junior year, will be allowed to pursue this course. One period a day for thirty-eight weeks will be required. If the work is satisfactorily completed a certificate of the second grade will be granted.
Class work in Vocal Music will be carried on throughout the course under the direction of a special supervisor. Individual work in Vocal Music will be an optional subject in the senior year. Those who desire to pursue systematic work in Instrumental or Vocal Music during their course at the Academy can take private lessons of the special instructor by paying the music teacher for the same. It should be understood that the latter is in no way connected with the Academy Courses.
This work will also be pursued throughout the course as planned by a special instructor. The course will be made eminently practical.
As expressly implied in the will of the founder, this school was not established in the interest of any religious denomination, and it will be entirely non-sectarian in its teachings and management. The institution will be, however, Christian in its aims and sympathies, and while its special function will be to impart the highest intellectual culture, yet, since it is recognized that this can only be done by utilizing the broad underlying principles of Christianity which are held by aU denominations, the endeavor to develop in each student a character truly Christian will in no wise be secondary.
It is the wish of the Trustees to afford opportunity for the development of the social nature. To this end frequeut social gatherings of such a kind as to impart high social culture will be held. This side of man is an important one and the purpose of this Academy is to leave no faculty undeveloped, but to fit young men and young women to take their place in the world and society with credit to themselves.
For admission into any of the courses of the Academic Department, examination will be required in the following subjects: Arithmetic; Geography, English Grammar, English Composition, U. S. History, Reading, Spelling and Physiology. Testimonials of good moral character must also be presented by non-resident pupils.
It is earnestly solicited that pupils begin the year's work on the first day of the fall term. It is further urged that every parent should see to it that his child is present on the first day of every term thereafter, as the harm resulting from failure to begin work promptly is far greater than is generally supposed.
An average of seventy-five percent in daily work and in examination will be required for promotion. For those who desire to enter college on certificate, an average of eighty-five percent will be necessary. Pupils, who are deficient in two subjects, will be ranked in the next lower class. Reports of the standing of pupils will be mailed to parents 'at the middle and at the end of each term. To make sure of their receipt and inspection, parents are requested to return them signed.
Believing that the foundation of all good discipline lies in the self control of the individual, it is the purpose of the management to secure proper conduct through appeal to right motives. However, that the welfare of the school may in no wise be interfered with, malicious and immoral pupils will not be allowed to remain in the Academy.
Regular study hours will be required of non-resident pupils, and it is earnestly hoped that the parents of resident students will enjoin the same upon their children.
As previously stated there will be no charges for tuition, the only expense being for board, books, and otlier incidentals.
Board and rooms can be obtained in good families at reasonable rates. Students are required to consult with the Principal in the selection of their boarding places. Those taking student boarders are expected to see that Academy restrictions are carried out.
Bellows Free Academy is especially fortunate in its equipment. The building is large and commodious, lighted throughout by electricity, supplied with a telephone system, and a master clock and synchronizing clocks, heated with steam, and has a modern and hygienic system of ventilation.
The second floor entire is devoted to the Academic Department, there being a large general room, ample classrooms, and laboratories well lighted and thoroughly equipped. On the t4ird floor is a large assembly hall, where chapel exercises will occur each morning, and where music recitals, debates, public speakings, receptions, etc., will be held.
The building also contains a library and reading room. The readingroom table will be supplied with daily papers and current periodicals for the use of the students.